Stamp Exchange and Stamp Collectors Portal free classifieds

StampListing.Com is a philately web portal dedicated to the world wide stamp collectors. Using StampListing.Com you can promote your Philately clubs, Enhance your collection with the help of other philatelists by swapping philately materials, Sell your surplus materials to other philatelyst, Buying your required materials from other stamp collectors or Stamp Dealers by posting your wantlist, Contact the world wide dealers to Buy and Sell your philately materials, stamp trade / stamp exchange with other stamp collector.
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Postal stamps, bolli postali, sellos postales, selos postans, Poststempel, timbres postaux, post zegels.

Postage Stamp Listing - Free Classifieds

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Free postage stamps collecting classifieds from stamp collectors


I am looking mint stamps from Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ukraine, France, U.K and Europe CEPT.I can offer mint stamps from Argentina, Uruguay and Brasil.

Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and other ex-USSR for exchange   

I propose for exchange MNH, CTO and FDCs from Ukraine, also MNH issues from ex-soviet countries (Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Baltic etc).I need MNH recent topicals from another countries of the world. Complete sets only.

Over 1,700 stamps & postal history items from St. Vincent   

 <p>I have recently updated this reference work to include additional scans; so now there are over 1,700+ scans of philatelic items from St. Vincent on a self-running electronic book (eBook) CD-ROM. The entire spectrum of St. Vincent philatelic items are repesented here, including: Postage stamps from 1862 to 1960+; also includes some of the earlier Grenadines issues Postal History covers Postal Stationery items (aerogrammes, registration envelopes & postal cards) Fakes & Forgeries of stamps & postmarks Revenue Stamps & Documents SPECIMEN stamps Registration labels Postmarks & Cancels OHMS & Official covers Censor covers from World War II Various errors & proofsVillage Post Office photos and background information <p>The CD-ROM is a self-running eBook (for Microsoft Windows PC's and Mac computers using the "OS X" operating system); there is nothing to install and it runs directly from the CD-ROM drive! <p>Images are presented in a "FlipAlbum" format, making this truly a "virtual stamp album".<p>Hundreds of hours have gone into scanning these items, many of which are rarely seen and bringing them to you for a very low price! If you want to explore the wonderful worl  ...  

Automotive history: The amazing history of Audi   

<p>This eBook CD-ROM tells the history of the car manufacturer Audi (and related car companies such as DKW, NSU, Wanderer, Horch, Auto Union, VW, Mercedes and others) as told through stamps & other philatelic materials. While there are books published about Audi's fascinating (and somewhat complicated) history, this eBook illustrates the history via postage stamps! Annotated with much useful information! <p><p>A must-have for any true Audi fan (or really, any car lover that wants to learn more about automotive history). Some of the car manufacturers that are discussed on the CD include Audi, Horch, NSU, DKW, Wanderer, Auto Union, VW, Porsche, Mercedes, Lamborghini, Fiat and even AMC (and yes, they all relate to Audi in some way!). <p><p>Hundreds of hours of research have gone into bringing you this fascinating history and obtaining the items that are used to illustrate the story.<p><p>Learn about Audi's history and many interesting details in a very easy-to-use self-running CD-ROM (there is nothing to install, it runs directly from your CD-ROM drive on PC using Microsoft Windows and Mac computers using "OS X".<p><p>VERMEIL award winner at the TEMEX 2003 Philatelic Lite  ...  

Airports on Stamps & Postal Stationery electronic book   

 <p>You are bidding on a reference CD-ROM containing over 800 images of postage stamps, postal stationery and revenue stamps from around the world that feature "Airports" (either mentioned or illustrated). <p><p>Airports are identified by name where known. <p><p>Should also be useful for "Airplanes on Stamps" collectors as well, since many (but not all) of the stamps and postal stationery items on this CD feature airplanes. <p><p>Also included on the CD is a check-list (in PDF format) of all known Airport stamps (as well as revenue stamps & postal stationery items) from around the world. Upon request, I can also provide an Excel spreadsheet that lists these to the winning bidder free of charge so that you can use it as an inventory or want-list. <p><p>This is a "self-running" CD (nothing to install, the CD runs directly from your CD-ROM drive) and is presented in a "FlipAlbum", making this truly a "virtual" stamp album that is as easy to use as just "clicking" with your mouse (or if you are really lazy, the ebook can turn the pages for you!). <p><p>The CD works with Microsoft Windows XP and Apple's OS-X operating systems. Pleas  ...  

British Empire War Tax Stamp CD   

Usages of British Empire War Tax Stamps.Little has been written up about these stamps and their usages.What little information has been published is spread out over many different articles and books.My 160 page exhibit brings this to life.See my website at for more details on ordering the CD.I


STAMPS FROM EASTERN EUROPE and AFRICA Neofila Ltd, P.O. Box 107, LT-50006, Kaunas-5, LITHUANIA We offer stamps, Year Sets, FDC and other philatelic production from:Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina (3 parts), Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, also official local issues from ex Yugoslavia and ex USSR territories.New issue service on standing order basis is available. New issues of Angola, Benin, Burundi, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Djibouti, Ethiopia, Guinea (Rep.), Guinea-Bissau, Korea (DPRK, North), Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe are presented too. Lists of TOPICAL stamps are available. 

exchange stamps   

I search stamps from many european countries.I offer stamps from many countries of Europa & also another of world.To contact me :Guy Barbé98 rue du Petit-Bruxelles1430 RebecqBelgium

stamps exchange   

I search stamps from countries of CCCP, Russia & another news soviet union countries.I offer stamps from many countries of Europa & also another of world.To contact me :Guy Barbé98 rue du Petit-Bruxelles1430 RebecqBelgium

exchange stamps   

I search stamps from countries of Scandinavia & Baltics.I offer stamps from many countries of Europa & also another of world.To contact me : Guy Barbé98 rue du Petit Bruxelles1430 RebecqBelgium